GB / T19001 IDT ISO9001 quality management system certification

Basic introduction
In order to better meet the requirements of customers, laws and regulations, and enhance customer satisfaction, the international organization for Standardization (ISO) issued five iso9000-iso9004 quality management standards in 1987. After that, in view of the problems in the application of ISO9000 family standards, four revisions were made, and ISO9000 family standards of 1994, 2000, 2008 and 2015 were issued. The standard is formulated on the basis of summarizing the practical experience and theory of quality management in the world. The organization establishes, implements, maintains and continuously improves the quality management system according to the requirements of quality management system standards, which will surely improve the quality of products and services, enhance customer satisfaction and improve the market competitiveness.

Standard characteristics
1. Based on eight quality management principles, it is widely used in various fields of quality management.
2. It is widely used and suitable for all kinds of organizations.
3. Moderate simplification. After three revisions, the content and quantity of the standard are simplified, the requirements for mandatory documents are greatly reduced, and the flexibility and operation guidance of the standard are better.
4. Establish, implement and continuously improve the quality management system with process method and PDCA cycle mode.
5. Improve the compatibility with the environment, occupational health and safety management system, which can bring greater benefits to the organization.

Implementation significance
1. The application of ISO9000 standards provides requirements and guidelines for organizations to enhance customer satisfaction and improve organizational performance.
2. Prevent technical barriers to non-tariff trade, connect with international standards in terms of quality, and become the "pass" for entering the international market.
3. The establishment of quality management system can effectively improve the management level and overall performance of the organization.
4. It helps to mobilize the enthusiasm of all employees, improve the quality awareness and law-abiding awareness of all employees.
The purpose of improving the quality management of an organization, whether industrial, commercial or governmental, is to effectively control the quality of its products or services, to continuously improve the quality of its products or services, to meet the needs of its customers and gain their trust, so as to expand its market share and promote the growth and development of its benefits.
Why can ISO9000 standards effectively improve quality management?
First, ISO9000 series of standards meet the needs of organization and improvement of quality management
Any product or service reflects the needs of customers through specifications or technical standards, but if the organizational management system to provide and support production is not perfect, it is impossible to consistently produce products that meet customer requirements. It is because of this concern that ISO9000 standard quality system standard came into being.
Second, ISO9000 standards embody the guiding ideology of prevention first
In the basic concept of ISO9000 standard, process control is especially emphasized, that is, ISO9000 family standard is based on the understanding that all work is completed by process. In other words, all product (service) quality is also formed in the process of product formation. To control product quality, the process must be controlled. The control process embodies the advanced quality management idea of prevention first.
Third, the adoption of ISO9000 standards can standardize quality management and program quality activities
The implementation of ISO9000 requires the establishment of a documented quality system. The quality system requires that the scope and purpose of each activity, what to do, who will do it, when to do it, where to do it, how to do it, what equipment and materials to be used, how to control and record the activity, etc. to make sure that there are rules to follow, rules to follow, and violations to be corrected. Realize the transformation from "rule of man" to "legal system".
Fourth, implement ISO9000 standards and establish self-improvement mechanism
After an organization implements ISO9000 standard and establishes quality system, it can have self-improvement function. The standard requires that internal quality audit and management review shall be carried out continuously as required after the quality system is established. In this way, the quality can be effectively controlled and the quality can be continuously improved.
The significance of obtaining ISO9001 certification
In ISO9000 series, ISO9001 is the standard of quality management system certification. Through certification, enterprises can prove that they have the ability to stably provide products that meet the requirements of customers and applicable laws and regulations. Effective operation of the system can make enterprises continuously improve and obtain better benefits.
The ISO9000 standard is an invincible position. It has absorbed the essence of world quality management theory and practice in the past hundred years. It is also a product of market economy, which can effectively improve the market adaptability of the organization and make the enterprise in an invincible position.

◆ improve enterprise management level
The enterprise has obtained ISO9001 certification, which means that the enterprise has established a set of perfect quality management system in all aspects of management, practical work, relationship between suppliers and distributors, products, market, after-sales service, etc. Good quality management is conducive to improving efficiency, reducing costs, providing high-quality products and services, and enhancing customer satisfaction.
◆ improve the quality reputation of suppliers
The 20th century is the century of production efficiency, and the 21st century will be the century of quality. Quality is the primary strategy for enterprises to expand the market, because with quality reputation, they will win the market, and with the market, they will gain benefits. After the implementation of quality certification system, there will be an invisible boundary between certified products and non certified products, certified registered enterprises and non certified registered enterprises in the market. All certified products or registered enterprises will gain advantages in quality reputation.
◆ guide the buyer to select the supplier
With the continuous progress of science and technology, the structure of modern social products is more and more complex. It is difficult to judge whether the products meet the requirements only by the limited knowledge and conditions of users. Obtaining ISO9001 certification can help the demander to find out the supplier from the approved enterprises in the complicated market and select the best products from the certified products.
◆ enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises
Quality certification system has been accepted by more and more countries and regions in the world, and has become an international practice. An enterprise, whether at home or abroad, if it wants to be generally recognized, it will be an important way to break through barriers to obtain ISO9001 certification, and will become an effective passport to the world, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.
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